Thursday, December 25, 2008

boredom at the residence

I started internet shopping today out of boredom and a terrible headache that resulted from Christmas Dinner. Now I will blog about all of the cool expensive things I found! I sometimes try to imagine what I would look like if I just had tons and tons of money to spend on clothes.

Elastic waist pants! surprisingly made by the same people as the sunglasses

These shoes are only 69 dollars but still I just can't bring myself to buy shoes online

How would I wear these? who cares they rule

lowered crotch!

sickening yet could be really cool, these are actually the cheapest things at 42 dollars

1 comment:


you could totally pull off the drop crotch pants. also they would look so awesome with those white shoes.

also let's hang out asap before you leave me for too long.